Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wardriving for Google

If google captured unencrypted data while driving down your street, who cares?
Seriously. Who cares?
I agree, google should not have been capturing peoples traffic and storing it but...

While driving past your house at 30 MPH, how much data could google capture from your UN-secured wireless router? Maybe about 0.8 seconds worth?
If a router is secured properly the data would be completely worthless.

It has been reported that passwords were discovered in the data captures from google. I don't think this is a problem because if a password was discovered, then the password was sent in clear text over the internet. Don't send passwords in clear text!!!
If a website does not offer a secure login, don't use it.

My conclusion

People who:
1. Do not secure their wireless router.
2. Send passwords in clear text.
3. Have been connected to the internet long enough to know how to use online banking, facebook and twitter without knowing a thing about security...

Do not have the right to complain about having their data and passwords captured by google or anyone within range of their wireless signal. (maybe your neighbor who has been capturing your passwords since you started using your wireless router???)